Bio X Cell Korea는 바이오클론과 미국 Lebanon, New Hampshire에 본사가 있는 Bio X Cell(USA)과의 설립합의로 2020년 1월부터 한국 내 비즈니스를 시작하게 되었습니다. 생명공학 연구지원 및 기술 서비스에 최선을 다한다는 경영일념으로 전임상 연구를 위한 세계 최대 in vivo antibody 제조공급 회사 Bio X Cell은 “World-class in vivo grade antibodies for pre-clinical research ----also available in large quantities” Bio X Cell생산품인 Invivomab Antibodies, InvivoPlus Antibodies, Isotype controls, Ready tag Antibodies, Fusion Proteins, BIOSIMILAR ANTIBODIES, Invivopure Dilution Buffer등을 한국에 직접 공급하고 있습니다. Bio X Cell Korea는 국내 생명공학기술연구 서비스지원 및 바이오 기술협력, 미래 한국 생명공학 인프라 구축을 위해 최선을 다할 것이며, 21c 미래 바이오 기술연구의 동반자로서 항상 고객과 함께하는 기업이 되겠습니다. 

Bio X Cell-Korea is a private company, located strategically in the down town, Seoul metropolitan capital city of Korea, best positioned to approach and respond to the local needs, ensuring efficient movement of products and services between locations. It is affiliated to Bio X Cell, Inc., a world leading developer and producer of immunological research products ; Offering a variety of High quality, Bulk quantity (milligram to gram; 1mg ~100g / over) monoclonal antibodies for In Vivo research, recombinant proteins, Biosimilar Antibodies  and isotype controls. All all products are manufactured on-sit at its HQ, US facility in the State of New Hampshire, USA. 

The two companies consolidated joint venture to collaborate and cooperate in order to bring research products closer to the people and therefore, Bio X Cell-Korea, is obligated to accelerate the distribution of Bio X Cell Brand products and services more closer to the Korean researchers, providing a realistic solution to customers who dedicate their life to support research institutions carry through their work more successfully.  

The company has a team that is highly trained and experienced in Immunological Research as Technical advisors, Sales and Marketing who responds to any inquiry promptly and professional, in the context of a wholehearted commitment to build a mutually beneficial relationship with the end-users, operating on Core principles of Honesty, Integrity, Respect and Value.  
